Tuesday, August 10, 2004

paradigms shift

spinning, laughing, dancing, to her favorite song,

eyes wide open she is reborn in the freeness of the breeze,

falling to the ground, without a sound,

just a little girl with nothing wrong, and she's all alone.

~that was inspired by Nora Jones who has a song that contains some of those phrases.

in a world of perfection what would people do?

no faults around for them to pursue,

with judgemental criticism and narrow-mindedness.

all day, every day, the same,

no surprise jolts to wake us from this routine,

no mistakes to learn from.

integrity would be ingrained,

love would be understood.

no accidents, no need for insurance,

doctors, nurses, who needs them?

trees, rivers and streams will again rejoice,

mountains will reach up to the clouds,

the night sky will embrace the desert.

a uniform concept of living will be painted,

and all animals and the meek will concede.

but the world, what will the world do?

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